Kubilai Khan investigations
Siyin, Photos de Benoit Chapon et Sem Brundu

« Siyin » is a trial of oneself. A self shifted by several thousands of kilometres.
Sara was born in Singapore and now lives in Brussels to fulfil her desire to dance.
Sara Leah Tan Siyin is the full name that appears in her passport.
Her Chinese Christian name was given to her by her grandfather, literally it means “Thought and reflection with poetry” and she has inherited from her father (a graphic artist) a deep awareness of the interaction between humans and things, of the importance of detail and the shades of meaning that surround all our gestures.
Fragments of lives will be extracted from the context of her personal biography and “ redesigned” for the experience of the stage.
This show observes the sensory poetry of reality, between engagement and disengagement, between materiality and the spirit, to touch something more than the self.
A direct form of writing, as close to oneself as possible, to disencumber images, to empty forms, for the image of oneself that does not exist.

Choreographer & live music : Frank Micheletti
Dancer : Sara Tan

Kubilai Khan investigations

CNCDC Chateauvallon

SIYIN - extrait from Kubilai Khan investigations on Vimeo.

12/4/2018 Le Commun, Electron Festival, Genève, Suisse
31/3/2018 Artdanthé, Théâtre de Vanves
29/11/2017 Festival Quatre Chemins, Haïti
28/11/2017 Festival Quatre Chemins, Haïti
11/6/2017 Jardins de la Maladrerie,avec le Théâtre du Beauvaisis, Beauvais
25/9/2015 Les plateaux de la Briquetterie, Mac Créteil
19/9/2015 Festival Constellations, Toulon
6/7/2015 to 12th, Parenthèse, Festival Off, Avignon
22/5/2015 & 23 - Extra Pôle Festival, Pôle Sud, CDC, Strasbourg